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Review of Life on COVID19

No: 1. Living Together

No: 2. Our Health Revealed!

No: 3. The Cost of Social Injustice!

No: 4. Possibilities for our Future?

“Each death during this pandemic is and has been an individual tragedy. Yet, it is

crucial to remember that it is also a societal and shared tragedy for us all”.[1] The World Movement of Christian Workers WMCW has produced four Review of Life enquiries, so when two are three are gathered together we can examine starting from our own experiences, the causes and consequences of the current global crisis in the light of the Gospel.  “It is important to always remember that this planet is shared by the whole of humanity, the mere fact of just being born in a place with fewer resources and less development does not imply having to live with less dignity.”[2]

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“In the face of this political social economic and institutionally religious reality Jesus life and teaching was a stark appeal to a much more fundamental encounter with the free creator God, who he spoke of as Abba, a loving domestic figure in the midst of the mess of everyday life calling men and women out of isolation into a space of shared reconciling life.”[3]


[1] Jo Dearlove 07 July 2020 MCW Zoom Seminar.

[2] Pope Francis

[3] David Mcloughlin 07 2020 MCW Zoom Seminar



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The MCW is a member of the
World Movement of
Christian Workers


European Christian
Worker Movement