Creator God you gave us a vision of work,
Fruitful and life-giving,
a blessing on land and people.
But this vision of work became perverted,
separating workers and communities
from the fruits of their labour.
- What happens in our daily lives which perpetuates this separation, this rupture, between decent work and unfair, unreasonable or unjust treatment?
- How can we be part of the solution to repair this separation?
God give us the vision and courage to make a difference this day and every day.
Liberating God you raised up Moses
to lead the alienated workers of Egypt
out of oppression into a promised land
where there would be work for all
and the fruits of labour would be shared
with those who could not labour – the powerless ones.
- Who are the powerless ones in our lives, our communities, our countries, our continents, our world?
- How can we start to recognise and understand more clearly who they are and how we, with them, can begin to be liberated from oppression?
God give us the vision and courage to make a difference this day and every day
Saving God you came among us as a craft worker,
with strong skilful hands and clear voice.
You called us to build the vision lost so long ago.
You died to build a world where all have access to work and its fruits,
Where the weak and frail are sustained by the strong and fit.
- What is Jesus’ message and vision for us this day, in this age?
- How can we see and hear more clearly what His liberating message means for us in the here and now, over our deliberations together during this conference and when we return to our everyday lives back at home?
God give us the vision and courage to make a difference this day and every day.
Inspire our hands and minds as we struggle to realise your vision.
May we lead our world back to the vision and promise of decent work,
a blessing for all.
- Who do we encounter that can help us realise our vision?
- How can we engage with others to understand and join our voice in saying that Decent Work is not an but a necessity?
God give us the vision and courage to make a difference this day and every day.